1...the air around these parts is starting to feel crazynice.
2...the williamsburg bridge photographs like a fiesta.
3...i have dinner plans . . . in brooklyn.
dustin & dunderdon.
3 things i’m really good at:
wandering below 14th street
giving a confident hand shake
staring at people / things
if time allows for all three,
there is a very good chance
i’m having a very good time.
for example,
when i wandered into dunderdon,
got intro’d to their charming shop-dudes,
and stared at dustin for an hour,
i clearly remember
having both myself and i
a very good time.
stripes, no stars.
we are all a part of the same thing
dominique falla
ed kim & brill said,
“girl, do the thing. do the thing!”
happy to oblige.
ps – love completing these good days.
sticks & bones.
how many rivers?
we were hunters and foragers. the frontier was everywhere. we were bounded only by the earth, and the ocean, and the sky. the open road still softly calls. our little terraquious globe as the madhouse of those hundred thousand millions of worlds. we, who cannot even put our own planetary home in order, riven with rivalries and hatreds; are we to venture out into space? by the time we’re ready to settle even the nearest of other planetary systems, we will have changed. the simple passage of so many generations will have changed us. necessity will have changed us. we’re… an adaptable species. it will not be we who reach alpha centauri and the other nearby stars. it will be a species very like us, but with more of our strengths, and fewer of our weaknesses. more confident, farseeing, capable, and prudent. for all our failings, despite our limitations and fallibilities, we humans are capable of greatness. what new wonders, undreamt of in our time, will we have wrought in another generation? and another? how far will our nomadic species have wandered by the end of the next century? and the next millennium? our remote descendants, safely arrayed on many worlds through the solar system and beyond, will be unified by their common heritage, by their regard for their home planet, and by the knowledge that whatever other life may be, the only humans in all the universe come from earth. they will gaze up, and strain to find the blue dot in their skies. they will marvel at how vulnerable the repository of raw potential once was. how perilous, our infancy. how humble, our beginnings. how many rivers we had to cross before we found our way.
pale blue dot
carl sagan
pros & cons.
tangents & the times
marissa a. ross
you around, best wave?
i’ve got my shit together
if you’ve got a sec.
amy’s list.
1...i’m an intense creature of habit so doing the same thing every weekend really doesn’t bother me especially when that same thing is camping outside 9th street, enjoying my favorite raspberry muffin / an incredible cup of coffee, and hanging out with other people’s dogs for a solid 2 to 3 hours.
2...the big gay ice cream shop is finally open and lauren, daniel, and i somehow managed to find a no-line-around-the-corner window of time to order our respective bea arthurs and salty pimps.
3...there will always be hard days ahead, but it just so happens laughing through them helps bigtime.
4/5...my sister was in town this weekend (she lives in london) and, thanks to her willingness to partake in some aimless village wanderings, we stolled down leafy streets i have never strolled down before.
6...did you know that little italy’s feast of san gennaro just celebrated it’s 85th year? salute!
mean / clean.
summer 2011
amanda marsalis
i’ve had quite the week.
not gonna bore you with woes,
still got all my toes.
miss much.
don’t be so careful
you miss the times
of late september
mountain climbs.
don’t be so weary
you miss the sea
or swinging from
a crooked tree
or closing your eyes
and taking the plunge.
don’t be so safe
you miss the fun.
dallas clayton
fashion weak.
on the street
i love wildfox
my first cigarette
is still waiting to be smoked.
don’t mind if you do.
swamp stock.
amy’s list.
1...the bowery hotel hosted a wedding last weekend and, though it’s a little hard to tell from this photo, the confused woman in the back corner wearing the navy feathered dress absolutely stole the show.
2...i was not excited in the slightest for summer to turn into fall last year. i remember feeling desperate to shut everyone out, stop time, and just stay put indefinitely. funny how quickly attitudes can change.
3...now adding cellists to my list of activity crushes (surfers and skateboarders, please make room).
4...the weather has been balls in nyc the past few days (constant misting + 80% humidity = a fro with a mind of its own), but yesterday i looked up and the sun was all, “hey girl,” and i was like, “heyyy.”
5...what’s that? oh, just patricia field being a babe and signing some shit @ fashion’s night out.
things are looking up.
maurizio di iorio
have you seen this
#30daysofgood challenge?
i’ve never done one before
so i’ve decided to go for it.
ps – 3, 6, & 7 have already paid off
prepositional phases.
day after labor day blues.
i’m a finish-er.
there are
two kinds of people,
those who finish
what they start
and so on.
robert byrne
now everything is fine.
a conversation at the grownup table
as imagined at the kids’ table
by simon rich
mom: pass the wine, please. i want to become crazy.
dad: ok.
grandmother: did you see the politics? it made me angry.
dad: me, too. when it was over, i had sex.
uncle: i’m having sex right now.
dad: we all are.
mom: let’s talk about which kid I like the best.
dad: (laughing) you know, but you won’t tell.
mom: if they ask me again, i might tell.
friend from work: hey, guess what! my voice is pretty loud!
dad: (laughing) there are actual monsters in the world, but when my kids ask i pretend like there aren’t.
mom: i’m angry! i’m angry all of a sudden!
dad: i’m angry, too! we’re angry at each other!
mom: now everything is fine.
dad: we just saw the pg-13 movie. it was so good.
mom: there was a big sex.
friend from work: i am the loudest! i am the loudest!
(everybody laughs)
mom: i had a lot of wine, and now i’m crazy!
grandfather: hey, do you guys know what god looks like?
all: yes.
grandfather: don’t tell the kids.
made in the midwest.
branding 10,000 lakes
nicole meyer
nicole meyer is:
one fine lady
out to brand
one fine lake
every single day.
math says it will take
about 27 years (or so)
to brand all 10,000.
stay tuned!
amy’s list.
1...the park bench outside the bowery hotel is quickly becoming my downtown summer home away from home. just a superbite from the peels take-out counter, a purse-friendly paperback, and a semi-serious staring problem and i’m all set for my post-work party of one.
2...there is a giant pig living across the street from angelica kitchen and i like them both (a lot).
3...lauren and i can’t wait much longer for the big gay ice cream shop to open. everyday, i see more and more people tinkering and typing away in there, but their sign still reads, “closed.” seriously guys, what could possibly be taking so long? i’m sorry, i just need me a bea arthur before summer ends.
4...on friday, i fled the office a little early on account of too many impending hurricanes and too few impending bosses and decided to trade a wrap-around line for beans and bottled water for a fantastic workout with kimani at pier i on riverside park south. as the sun stretched and set over the hudson, it was a little hard to believe something fierce was about to take over my weekend.
5...like everyone else in zone b and c, i spent all of my saturday indoors, eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, refreshing weather.com, and wondering what my sunday was going to look like.
6...it looked just fine.
i got mail.
it’s about to get really girly
girl crush zine
ready for the country
ryan thomas kenny
you guys are way too cool for school.
i would kill to have you in my carpool.
and in case you’re fresh outta fuel:
4 the ears – – – > motown drinking companion
4 the eyes – – – > wire works by masao seiki
4 the guys – – – > binki’s madewell video
long johns.
lennon & wayne
jack crossing
did you hear the news?
fall said he’s gonna come back.
i told him to run.
amy’s list.
1...friday’s roundabout through the union sq market led me to a run-in with a rag tag bunch of carrots. they were wild and crazy, but a solid homage to this summer’s trendiest color. be cool, stay in school.
2...after work, i met some co-workers at la bottega and, since i couldn’t order the judson, i decided to drink negronis instead. suddenly, the skies started to shift, so i made a quick and quiet exit and arrived home just in time to watch the storm from the comfort of my dining room (ie porchetta‘s window seat).
3...after joanna informed me on tuesday, “your presence is requested in philadelphia, pa from saturday 8/20 – sunday 8/21,” i followed strict orders and caught the first amtrak out of penn station that would have me. huge surprise – – – > riding the amtrak train from nyc to philadelphia was, by far, the loveliest, most stress-free travel i have ever had the pleasure of purchasing. i arrived just 1.5 hours later, happy as a clam and without a single horror story to my name. that is, until i saw a monster.
4...turns out, the good life is just some gin and tonic bruschetta girl talk on an afternoon stoop. well, ok!
5...so i’m officially in a rut and all my warning signs and red flag conversations say i’m long overdue for a big picture change of scenery. while i’m not looking to break my lease and move out of nyc forever, i’m ready to really surprise myself and find some bliss again. if you have any life advice or travel recommendations for this twenty something lost in transition, please don’t be shy. sharing is caring.
we <3.
something bad ass.
sweet catch phrases to say
after i do something bad ass:
back o’ the line!
he’s makin’ a meal of it!
and that’s that!
don’t blink next time.
tell your friends.
a list of lists i want to make
ben conner
rabbit island.
in feb 2010, rob gorski and andrew ranville purchased a virtually untouched, 90 acre island 3 miles off the coast of michigan’s keweenaw peninsula – no joke – on craigslist. they then raised $14,970 through kickstarter to build an island house for resident visual artists / musicians / writers, best made co shipped over some kickass tools, and they officially broke ground this summer.
holy shit, count me in.
nbd, bette d.
i’m the nicest goddamn dame that ever lived.
bette davis
amy’s list.
1...thanks to a heads up from nymag, i made a point to stop by the alexander wang sample sale. while it was far too hot / packed to try anything on, i had a stellar time just straight up people staring (huge pastime). let me be clear – – – > the nymag sales & bargains calendar game changed my nyc. not only does it score me seriously incredible pieces like my one of a kind, hand-painted, silk-lined libertine blazer that used to sell at bergdorf’s for $6000 (i paid $60), but it also keeps me fashion fed even when my cashflow is, ehem, low just by getting my ass out of my apartment and into piles of gorgeous clothing while staring at piles of gorgeous people. not a bad way to spend a saturday, really.
2...friday means i’m walking through union square and last week it was all about the blueberries.
3...when people ask me how i know nancy, i like to say she used to be my editor (at our high school newspaper, but whatever, still true). right now, however, she is many, many things – a wanderlust, a foodie, a journalist, a food journalist, a publicist, a grad student, a friend – and her plethora of personas means she adds a plethora of weird ass city shit to my to-do list. buyer beware = if you know nancy, you could end up riding an inflatable dolphin at a dumpster pool party in long island city.
4...this dachshund decided to call it a day in the middle of his walk and i was like, “dude, i so feel you.”
5...i’m trying to let go of a lot of things – assumptions, imagined plans, expectations – and i think leonard cohen was right when he said, “forget your perfect offering, there is a crack, a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.”
foot’s out.
it’s a miniature rudder. just moving the little trim tab builds a low pressure that pulls the rudder around. takes almost no effort at all. so i said that the little individual can be a trim tab. society thinks it’s going right by you, that it’s left you altogether. but if you’re doing dynamic things mentally, the fact is that you can just put your foot out like that and the whole big ship of state is going to go. so i said, call me
broome & ludow.
i found top hat
on accident,
but i recommend
you go find it
on purpose.
he said, she said.
this summer
mav and cmb
my horoscopes said,
“listen, it’s time to peace out.”
my heartstrings said, “cool.”
b t w .
it’s always been
i n…b e t w e e n…t h e…t h i n g s…i…t h o u g h t…i…w a s…d o i n g
that the real work has happened.
amy’s list.
1...sometimes happiness is just a cool, breezy river (for me and this guy, at least).
2...ben and i are serious morning people. this means we get up really early and spend the first several hours of our day wide awake with nothing but our thoughts and a growing to-do list to keep us company. thankfully, ben’s in nyc right now, so we spent a very recent am keeping each other company instead.
3...while biking around town a few days ago, i looked up and caught a plane writing something in the sky. i never could decipher the message, so fingers crossed i’m not re-blogging something awful.
4...news flash – – – > first run in tompkins square park is where it’s at, but please do yourself a solid and skip the little run beside it (unless you want a giant lesson in lesser than).
5...the mise en scène here is very very vandaag.
skinny rabbit.
amy’s list.
1...happy 1 year anniversary, doh letter grades! i was told to get you paper, so here you go.
2...last wednesday, i ended up working late and by the time i left the office, chelsea market’s sign had flicked on, a sudden summer rainshower was evaporating on 9th ave, and everyone was laughing. in that moment, so much was so right that there wasn’t much room left for wrong.
3...the apartment building across from mine is called “the mckinley” and most nights you can find me sitting on my stoop staring at it, wavering between zoning out and imagining who might live there. according to timeout, “boston red phil” davidson, a petty thief who knocked off a jewish crime mobster “big jack” zelig, lived there in 1912. he told the police the attack was revenge for a fleecing he had suffered from big jack a day earlier, but others believe it was to stop big jack from testifying as the key witness in a concurrent murder trial. sweet jews for jesus, i <3 the east village.
4...if i’m not on my stoop, it probably means i’m in line for vegan ice cream at lula’s sweet apothecary. i’m neither vegan nor lactose intolerant, but lula’s is one of my favorite ice cream stores in the city (stop rolling your eyes, their stuff is legit). if you are a serious chocolate fan, please get a soft serve malt. if not, a scoop of maple and waffles, strawberry, or any of their peanut butter flavors will do you right.
5...is it just me, or are these two doors super mysterious?
dance church.
picture / movie.
last night i had a “me” night
aka i ate a whoopie pie in bed
and watched a ton of trailers.
update – – – >
martha marcy may marlene
looks like hipstery, thrillery fun.
aaaand there’s an olsen involved.
my first apt.
spare a purple crayon?
no, i didn’t select that name.
we can mix it up,
we can make it
a whole different experience
mariah carey is crazy for hsn
dear 0:46 to 1:04.
fuck playing it cool.
you wanna do art later?
i’m available.
don’t get stuck (proud elephants)
by delicate steve
can we be.
all is not lost is an html5 art project by ok go, pilobolus, and google that lets you embed any message you want into ok go’s latest music video and then watch as everyone dances your message out in a slow clap of browser windows that move, re-size and re-align to the music. long story short, i’ve been playing with this site for over two hours.
i <3 the internet.
for dollars.
“it is a fuckload of work to be open-minded and generous and understanding and forgiving and accepting, but christ, that is what matters. what matters is saying yes.”
an interview with dave eggers
the harvard advocate, 2000
amy’s list.
1...when i look back on my twenties, i hope i remember that shady stretch of 10th street between a and b just above tompkins square park.
2...i am happy to report i survived a sunday afternoon shootout between an old man with a hose and a mcsorley’s tourist (huge thanks to my waterproof disposable camera). only thing i need now is a new word for incredible.
3...have you ever been to the new amsterdam market? i go almost every weekend, but i only just noticed that part of the bridge under which it takes place is painted lavender. i highly recommend you see it for yourself. it’s really lovely.
4...it’s been way too hot for touching, but i was almost ready to make an exception for the moss that’s climbing up the building behind 6bc.
5...as for me, i’m still in a weird head space, but i think some of my plates and perspectives are about to shift. my current to-do list is to continue to do work i am proud of, say yes more than i say no, and talk to as many people as possible. just let me know if you think i’m forgetting something.
the bigger picture.
it was overhead
keegan gibbs