tee time.

i went ahead and added a mystery tee to my first ever cotton bureau purchase because … what’s the saying? live a little? treat yourself? nothing tastes as good as a soft tee feels? trust your life? gotta get up to get down? to the windows? to the walls? till the sweat drips down my tbd cotton bureau mystery tee? … aaaaanyway, i really really really hope i get hayley’s damn tee or nicole’s archer tee or tania’s prove them wrong tee.

any of those,
amongst other things,
would be niiiiice.


the greatest thing about manhattan
is the worst thing about manhattan:

here you will be free
to stretch yourself to your limit,
to find the beach that is yours alone.

but sooner or later
you will be sitting on that beach
wondering what comes next.

zadie smith

dug through my feedly today and was kindly awarded with some slow, magical good vibes from the above two pics and a nice midday zing! from bobby mckenna’s awards page. all in all, a monday well spent in my corner of the internet.

moody blues.

mood issue 3
twc rep (who had been very helpful / nice): anything else i can help you with before you go?
christine: i’ve just never been more discouraged by the experience of being someone’s customer. this has nothing to do with you, you were great, i just want our file to show that like … i am so, so upset to be using this service and making these calls and giving you my money, and if another company could help us, i would choose them immediately.
him: this is off the record, but i feel you.
christine: you’ve been great. sorry to put that on you, but i just want my file to be really serious and scary at this point, ya know? i want it to demand attention. i want like, flames to appear on people’s screens when i call.
him: i totally get it.

blues run the game.

steven alan blues

yo yo yo.

found out from alyson a few days ago
that steven alan is hosting a rather delightful
win your wishlist contest through wed 10.2.

basically, all you have to do is …

1. login or create a steven alan account here.
2. add items to your wishlist totaling $1000 or more.
3. submit your entry before wed 10.2 @ 11:59pm est.

the end.

ps – entering was one of the more enjoyable things i have done on the internet this week.

tat tectonics.

geology tat
geology tat2
back in november, i decided to do some major gmail maintenance (i had been using abby728 as a login and amyruthmarsh as an alias for about 5 years, but with the purchase of my 1st iphone and the prospect of having to click “send as” every time i wanted to email someone, i decided it was time to let go of abby728 and port everything over to amyruthmarsh). usually, i love these kind of internet time sucks, but i had actively avoided this one in particular because i knew it was going to be such a fucking pain in the ass. i mean, going through 40,000 archived emails (i love gmail, i’m an agressive archiver, i never delete anything, and i had ported all of my college webmail into abby728 before graduating) as well as my entire on the record chat history was not even my twisted idea of fun.

up until this point, i had only imagined how annoying it would be, technically. like, “ugh, copying and pasting and labeling and saving and exporting and importing all of this shit via some super unreliable mail client? life sux.” but the spectrum of terrible widened pretty quickly after i got started and realized every moment of my legal adult life – the good, the bad, the great, the terrible, the awful, the hilarious, the insignificant, the momentous, the honest, the dishonest, the judgmental, the unconditional … everything – had been recorded and stored in the catacombs of this ill-chosen email address. this wasn’t just going to be a painful project, technically. this was going to be a painful project, late night at the holocaust museum emotionally.

sometimes, the emails made me cry (like the ones from my dad i never responded to). sometimes, i didn’t recognize the sound of my own voice (like the ones to my improv troupe a few weeks after i started college). sometimes, i was impressed by my courage (like the ones to a more than a friend asking him to reflect on our relationship and be honest about his feelings and actions). the transfer took about a week to complete and when it was all over, when every email had been absorbed and unarchived and accounted for, i felt totally wrecked. but. but! i also felt totally alive. like … fuck yea! the things i’ve experienced still effect me! i actively participate in the fabric of my life! i’m emotionally capable of getting myself to tomorrow! i’m upset right now! i’m a human being!


ps – i also have a theory about 20-something tectonics and think this tattoo and i are b’shert.

friend poll.

i like cause you like me
question = “what do you like?” via text.
time of day = sat, jan 12 @ 10pm est.
reason = ummmmfun.

quiet, david bowie, booties (sb)
songs, stories, american diners (ef)
road trips, pie, laughter (jg)
tight man butts, red wine, feeling safe (ep)
traveling, making movies, swimming (cn)
books, bourbon, candy (cs)
soulcycle, notre dame, traveling (ks)
hilary clinton (st)
bicycles, improv / laughter, interesting and inspiring magazine articles (cs)
loyal friends, beach vacations, walk-in closets (bs)
false eyelashes, pink bras, crab dip (js)
sunshine, ginger chews, salad (su)
being on / by the water, french girls w/ brown hair, wild animal screams / howls / roars / etc. (jk)
you, you, and you! (hm)
book of mormon, coffee, amy marsh (zr)
juggling a soccer ball with a friend or two outside, snekers with dope subtle colors, the feeling after a good swim when it’s hard to lift my own arms up to wash my armpits (nm)
surf, tits, beer (lf)
pancakes for dinner, 80s power ballads, awkward first kisses (lm)
jeopary, baked goods, that feel of “this is exactly where i want to be, what i want to be doing, and who i want to be with right now” (ar)
wheat toast, cigarettes, medium-sized dogs (aj)
nightmare before christmas, dc comics, legos (dg)
my girlfriend, scotch, movies (jj)
mint chocolate chip ice cream, meeting people with passions, the smell of newspapers (sm)
cheese, goats, corby (ni)
getting to the movie theater early, the crunch of wood chips when you walk on them, the shower after a run / lift, MONEY $$$$$ (mc)
bike rides, movies, well-made objects (ps)
the sound of rain on my air conditioner in the window (cs)
i like my friends, i like my cat, and i like mariah carey (bn)
sushi, trying something new, reciprocation (jk)
corgis, kombucha, kindness / consideration (sr)
music that makes the world spin around while i’m lying on the ground, funny ppl, snail mail (ml)
soulcycle, the view from my apartment at sunset on a clear day like today was, how i felt this week, you (dd)

ed. major apologies if my text came off as insincere weirdspam. a few weeks ago, i saw something on the internet that gave me the urge to text people i like and ask, “what do you like?” without context or expectation. i’ve now spent over two hours needle in a haystacking my google reader trying to find the thing that inspired me to do this in the first place, but … of course … nada. aaaaanyway, if you’re at all willing to look like a freaky weirdo via text message, i HIGHLY recommend doing this. each and every response made me laugh and smile and clap my hands together in 1000% joyful agreement. can’t ask for much more outta the weekend than that. also, corby is a dog.

then make it your beeswax to be here by 9:30.

wet hot american summer
” . . . or a dinner at a restaurant where i was meeting two other couples. my wife was away, so i was flying solo. i arrived at two minutes to eight for an eight o’clock booking. at 8:20, i was into my second glass of pinot and at half-past i got a text saying ‘on the way’. we finally were all seated at 8:45. there were not even attempted excuses from either of the two couples, who seemed oblivious to the fact i might actually have got there at the agreed time. meanwhile i had put a huge dent in the bottle of pinot, and was ready to go home.

and it is not that we lead ‘busy lives’. that’s a given, we all do, and it’s a cop out to use that as an excuse. it’s simply that some people no longer even pretend that they think your time is as important as theirs. and technology makes it worse. it seems texting or emailing that you are late somehow means you are no longer late.

you are rude.
and inconsiderate.”

as a founding member of the “10 minutes early and always waiting for someone” club (read → i may or may not have chosen ‘prettypunctual’ as a username at one point in time), i love greg’s post and greg’s response equally.

cheers, indeed.

oh, that wild idea.


have you heard of this wild idea?
in case you haven’t, here’s the deal:
there’s this guy, theron humphrey,
and he’s spending a whole year
criss crossing the united states
with only one goal in mind →
to meet 1 new person everyday.
and while i think that’s fine
(albeit a bit been there, blogged that),
i’m a total fucking sucker
for his “super serious project
about dogs and physics”
where he just photoblogs
his dog maddie on things.
ps – mr. humphrey’s hounds, anyone?  can you say coonhound in a children’s book?

the last 5 years.


5 year diary
tamara shopsin

5 great things that happened last night:

1...went to an iconic steakhouse with the unsinkable molly jane.
2...hung out backstage during the live taping of this annual event.
3...laughed the loudest when they announced best in show.
4...got likened to this actress by some serious bollywooders.
5...discovered tamara’s 5 year diary (a must for any listmaker).

made in the midwest.


branding 10,000 lakes
nicole meyer

nicole meyer is:
one fine lady
out to brand
one fine lake
every single day.
math says it will take
about 27 years (or so)
to brand all 10,000.
stay tuned!



all is not lost is an html5 art project by ok gopilobolus, and google that lets you embed any message you want into ok go’s latest music video and then watch as everyone dances your message out in a slow clap of browser windows that move, re-size and re-align to the music. long story short, i’ve been playing with this site for over two hours.
i <3 the internet.