1...the bowery hotel hosted a wedding last weekend and, though it’s a little hard to tell from this photo, the confused woman in the back corner wearing the navy feathered dress absolutely stole the show.
2...i was not excited in the slightest for summer to turn into fall last year. i remember feeling desperate to shut everyone out, stop time, and just stay put indefinitely. funny how quickly attitudes can change.
3...now adding cellists to my list of activity crushes (surfers and skateboarders, please make room).
4...the weather has been balls in nyc the past few days (constant misting + 80% humidity = a fro with a mind of its own), but yesterday i looked up and the sun was all, “hey girl,” and i was like, “heyyy.”
5...what’s that? oh, just patricia field being a babe and signing some shit @ fashion’s night out.