guessing liam does too.

“Liam, objectively the smartest, funniest, most mature 7 year old you could ever meet, received an invitation to a classmate’s party.

‘It’s from 3:30 to 7:00,’ he read.
‘Woah, that’s kind of long. I wonder what you guys will be doing,’ I replied.
‘I don’t know.’
‘Well, it can’t be a pool party. Too cold.’
‘Maybe it’ll be a pool party.’
‘Well, I just said it’s too cold.’
‘Well, IIII just said that maybe it’ll be a pool party.’

I look up, and he is miming shooting a cue ball across the kitchen table.

I strive to be like him.”

Wait, what.

no sweat.

Vintage Fabric. Bella Dia

Now that I don’t have to wear multiple outfits to work anymore (for gym sweat, inbound sweat, outbound sweat, etc), I’m thrilled to revive some of my not-so-summer friendly vintage pieces.  Today’s winner is a long, white Lloyd Williams blazer with mini shoulder pads that I got when Amarcord closed it’s 7th Street store, discounted everything a boobillion %, and Debra Messing showed up and was all “Is this coat wool? I’m alergic to wool. AGGHHHHH! I CAN’T FUCKING GET THIS COAT IF IT IS WOOOOOOOOOOL!”  Oh, what was that, blazer?  You’re sorry to interrupt, but you’re a polyester/rayon blend?  Baby, babe.  It’s September 29th and the high is 75°.
It’s done.

Categorized as . Tagged

this is modcloth (we met on the internet).


I know I’m pretty late to discover this place, but I stumbled upon ModCloth a few days ago and I think I already have a full-blown crush-session.  Not only are their prices totally reasonable, but their product names are .O..U..T..S..T..A..N..D..I..N..G..:
You’re Smokin Jacket
I Dye! Maxi Dress
Dial M for Marvelous Skirt
To top it off, their about us page says, we want to be the fashion company you’re friends with! Ugh, so many no brainers, so little time . . .
PS – I was the last one to snag this, very excited.

wonderous, wireless.

Sherlock. sikkin

Nikki Sylianteng of dumdeedum made this poster so her father would stop constantly asking what their wireless internet password was.  The secret to unlocking the code?  BIGGEST —> smallest.  Ooooo, another secret?


oooo awww autumn.

Fall Accessories 2010.

not ready to leave
my solo summer behind
(but fall looks damn fine).

happy non-rent payday!

David Strohl

I sometimes apply body lotion to my arms and legs in one of the vacant offices on my floor because I don’t feel like walking all the way outside to the ladies room in the hallway (where doing things like applying body lotion would make a hell of a lot more sense).  Really, the only reason I don’t do this all the time is out of fear of having to prove I’m not a total creeper after being caught taking a large bottle of lotion into a vacant office and locking the door.  But I guess I can, uhhh, cross that bridge when I come to it.  Anyway, today happened to be a lazy lotion day and while I mindlessly moisturized behind closed doors, I had the sudden urge to flip the lock and go for a morning jog around the cubicles in my bra and underwear.  But then I remembered today was non-rent payday and I should probably wait to act on the primals until next week.
Beware: ..When I am my own boss, naked office runs will be part of our benefits package.

my isms are on holiday.

“As a moral atheist you have a number of rights and responsibilities. These include (but are not limited to):

1. ..Have no gods.
2. ..Don’t worship stuff.
3. ..Be polite.
4. ..Take a day off once in a while.
5. ..Be nice to folks.
6. ..Don’t kill people.
7. ..Don’t cheat on your significant other.
8. ..Don’t steal stuff.
9. ..Don’t lie about stuff.
10. ..Don’t be greedy.

Remember, theists may condemn you for living by this code because you are doing it of your own free will instead of because you’re afraid that if you don’t a supreme being will set you on fire.”

Atheistic Rights & Responsibilities

how is it again?

IT’S OK. Sighn

One day, I will be financially stable and wisely self-employed with one or two harmless yes men in my entourage.  But seeing as how I’m still a paycheck to paycheck entry-something, I find it hard to survive without having some of the very best it’s okay men by my side.


koree ughhh.

Ping Pong Calendar. mmmg

Unfortunately, the ordering portion of the online store where one can buy this wonderful little flip-cal is written entirely in Korean.  So if anyone has an extra 25,000 won lying around and is willing to try their luck South-K guess and click, just let me know!

trying to lego.

Lego Wallpaper. Balakov

Baby Mamas!  I missed you so much!  Now that we’re all fully rested (just nod and smile) and back at our desks bright and early, I thought you might enjoy jazzing up your workspace desktop background with a little lego-rama drama. Also, rather unrelated, but yesterday I read The New York Times editorial on Labor Day and even though it was pretty much a solid snooze fest, I got a bit of a crush on the closing sentence.  Here, I’ll introduce you:
“If Labor Day feels like a comma in the year and not a semicolon — like Thanksgiving or Christmas — it’s probably all to the good. We need a holiday that needs no preparation, which is a true holiday indeed.”

The New York Times, Labor Day, Now and Then

i stare, don’t really care.

Finale at Dolce & Gabbana. JAK & JIL BLOG
A few days ago, I rode one of the many elevators in my office building down to the first floor to get something from the messenger center.  Usually, I put my brain on pause when I have to stop playing with you guys for a second . . . except . . . this time a random old dude got on halfway down (it was just the two us) and took a shiny money clip out of his pocket. Holy Moly Guacamole!  You would not believe the number of crisp $20 bills he had in there!  It was like a golden money clip of dreams!  Fresh $20 bill dreams!  I wanted to touch them!  All of them!  But he was touching them!  Unfortunately, I made absolutely no effort to suppress the wide open, gaping amystare that had taken over my face.  I think it took me, like, a whole fucking minute to realize the elevator had made it to the ground floor and that I needed to stop gawking at this man’s ..H..U..G..E….W..A..D.. and exit, but not before this special exchange (!) :
Him:..You can leave now.

stillness, taurus.


Confession: I think psychics are totally rad.
Yes.  I’m aware this also makes me look ..R..E..A..L..L..Y….D..U..M..B.. (everyone knows seeing a psychic is just a crash course diet to one day fitting back into your crazypants).  But whenever I think about all those silky scarfs and beaded curtains and round tables and cool weather life forecasts, my hands start to impulsively check for a fiver that could have fallen into my giant purse when I wasn’t looking.  Since the majority of my lincolns are always falling into a different bottomless pit (my landlord’s bank account), I usually just read the ridiculously thorough astrology column by The Astro Twins instead.
PS – Love their advice about my work week (!) :
“Saturn in your house of daily work is forcing you to pay your dues. You kind of hate this right now, as you feel you should be farther along on your path that you are at the moment. Instead of railing against your circumstances, try to think of them as a brief stint in boot camp. What muscles can you build through this experience? Much like holding a yoga pose, it may look like you’re doing nothing on the surface; however, the strength it takes to remain in position with a serene look on your face is a Herculean effort worth striving for. Stillness, Taurus. This is the ultimate goal of the week. You’ll see troubling situations heal themselves when you don’t jump into the fray in reactionary form.”

Taurus Weekly Horoscope (8/30 – 9/5), The Astro Twins

align right, justify.

Plenty of Fish. Appleping

Friend:..When I was little my dad used to point out pregnant women and told me they ate the watermelon seed, and that’s how babies are made. Don’t swallow the seed!
Me:..And then later on you found out swallowing the seed is a way not to get pregnant.
Friend:..Oh, that’s good.
Me:..I know. I felt it as I was saying it. Everything aligned.

Wait, what.