stillness, taurus.


Confession: I think psychics are totally rad.
Yes.  I’m aware this also makes me look ..R..E..A..L..L..Y….D..U..M..B.. (everyone knows seeing a psychic is just a crash course diet to one day fitting back into your crazypants).  But whenever I think about all those silky scarfs and beaded curtains and round tables and cool weather life forecasts, my hands start to impulsively check for a fiver that could have fallen into my giant purse when I wasn’t looking.  Since the majority of my lincolns are always falling into a different bottomless pit (my landlord’s bank account), I usually just read the ridiculously thorough astrology column by The Astro Twins instead.
PS – Love their advice about my work week (!) :
“Saturn in your house of daily work is forcing you to pay your dues. You kind of hate this right now, as you feel you should be farther along on your path that you are at the moment. Instead of railing against your circumstances, try to think of them as a brief stint in boot camp. What muscles can you build through this experience? Much like holding a yoga pose, it may look like you’re doing nothing on the surface; however, the strength it takes to remain in position with a serene look on your face is a Herculean effort worth striving for. Stillness, Taurus. This is the ultimate goal of the week. You’ll see troubling situations heal themselves when you don’t jump into the fray in reactionary form.”

Taurus Weekly Horoscope (8/30 – 9/5), The Astro Twins