with some ‘89 waves & ‘99 arms, obvs.
for kimball.
carry elefante.
only 1400 kronor (!)
spacing out.
Sometimes I feel like I’m running on empty, like there’s no cop out, no clock out, no answer besides yes, of course, will do. No really, no problem! Just email me, text me, call me, chat me, tap me, ask me, ask me, ask me.
how’s my job going?
[i need to steal some pens and
draw the line] just fine.
act on anger the next day.
this friday.
cool dudes, old news.
okay, confession:
got a growing obsession
with them surfer dudes.
well, well, wednesday.
working westward [whoa].
you better work.
1. the sartorialist
2. bill cunningham
3. anna wintour
irl irl irl (!)
I really wish I could be all cool, whatever, idk blasé about the fact that a ridiculously wonderful friend of mine asked me to be her plus one to the Derek Lam show on Sunday. But babes (babe babe babe), when you’ve been following new york fashion week from the comfort of your work computer for all the years you’ve ever even had a work computer and suddenly you’re only a hop, skip, and a jpeg away from three people who have been all up in your bookmarks since 2008, you kinda gotta f-thattitude. I mean, really. Holy high ass fashion, batman.
ps – jf, you are the f-ing tops. thank you sooooooo much.
happy you know what.
weekend wanted.
you know what.
i would like to go
to a retro fabulous dinner party
and see vacation pics
on a slide projector.
goodmorning mantra.
Mighty by Lord Huron
twenty eleven.
i said a hip hop
a hippie to the hip hip
hop and you don’t stop.
for reals.
hey girl.
dear dylan.
my senses high fived
when i saw your alphabet.
a word? delicious.
ps – i wanna five these too.
guys, i gotta go.
katie couric is ninety fourable.
the name’s wild.
we’ve got work to do.
what you really really want.
“There’s a debate in our culture about what really makes us happy, which is summarized by, on the one hand, the book On the Road and, on the other, the movie It’s a Wonderful Life. The former celebrates the life of freedom and adventure. The latter celebrates roots and connections. Research over the past thirty years makes it clear that what the inner mind really wants is connection. It’s a Wonderful Life was right.”
– Social Animal by David Brooks, The New Yorker 01/17/11
twenty thousand links under the sea.
05 thousand:..girl walk / all day
10 thousand:..forever alone
15 thousand:..bitches be trippin
20 thousand:..tangents & the tumblr
how to meet the girl of your dreams.
buy a falconer’s glove.
approach the girl you like wearing the falconers glove.
ask her, “excuse me, have you seen a falcon fly by here?”
look up to the sky, hopeful / sad.
if she says, “no,” look distraught and ask her
if she wouldn’t mind helping you look for your falcon.
no human being would ever turn down an opportunity like this.
use the time you spend together searching for the falcon to get to know her.
at the end of your search (10 minutes) you will probably need consoling
re: the loss of your one true friend.
by this point her interest in you based on the fact that
you were able to put so much love and time into the raising of a falcon
will more than ensure a second date, and from there
it’s just a hop skip and a jump to marriage.
good luck!
*NOTE..–..If by chance a falcon does appear out of nowhere, simply say, “[Falcon’s Name], I’ve missed you so much! Don’t ever scare me like that again!” Then offer to take the girl to dinner for helping you find your lost falcon. Bonus: You just got a free falcon!
what’s up?
thursday’s got a thing.
rock lobster namaste.
if you know me.
you know I’m mildly allergic
to videos of your baby.
unless, of course,
your video is:
and sweet
and fucking awesome.
me:..my bunions hurttttttt…@12:12pm EST
joji:..9 to 5, so hard to make a livin…@12:13pm EST
yo, omaha.
because jesus had his desert.
lies magazine.
i dedicate this post to jonanza.
james, sophia.
life’s a bowl of chairies.
are you a boy or a girl.
time for a three day.
“Too often, we fail to consider the ways in which our surroundings constrain our creativity. When we are always ‘close’ to the problems of work, when we never silence our phones or stop responding to e-mail, we get trapped into certain mental habits. We assume that there is no other way to think about things, that this is how it must always be done. It’s not until we’re napping by the pool with a pina colada in hand — when work seems a million miles away — that we suddenly find the answer we’ve needed all along.”
don’t be jealous.
the alliterators.
two for tuesday.
Linda Evangelista & Christy Turlington. Comme des Fuckdown
woke up this morning
with an old school attitude.
wanna ditch with me?
not to mention the king’s pajamas.
This is why I have mad love for Todd Selby’s films:
1...They’re like color versions of the One in 8 Million videos.
2...The one about Rockaway Taco helped me score a new job.
3...They always make me really stoked I still live in New York.
Okay, I’m gonna go bike around the first floor of my enormous downtown loft now. Bye.
good times.
Has anyone read this? The New York Times is getting real fresh saying things like, “the book is so well written . . . there’s hardly a lazy sentence here.” Ooof. Now I’m all interested and shit. Goddammit, Gallaway.
old frenemies.
no newsday, tuesday.
Let There Be Neon in Tribecca. The New York Times
fade on.
a·gen·da -n. that which is to be done
point, powell.
good day sunshine.
i need to laugh and when the sun is out
i’ve got something i can laugh about.
– the beatles
answer = really rad.
.how rad is this?
the fox is awesome.
When I first discovered Bobby Solomon’s blog thanks to this fine lady, it felt like I gained a rad older brother who should have been really annoyed at how much I wanted to be like him, but instead was totally cool with it and even let me hang out with him and his equally rad friends once in a while (hello, awesome). Anyway, I’ve been trying to watch his CreativeMornings presentation, “Things I’ve Learned From Being Bored,” for over a month, but it’s been really insane here trying to get acclimated to this new job that I haven’t been able to get a whole lot of face time with my bff the internet . . . until now. Oh man, not only was his talk the kind of kick in the blogging ass I soo hoped it would be, but it also totally reaffirmed that despite Bobby’s insane talent and ridiculously large following, he’s really just a super nice dude who also curates a super nice blog.
basically, guys,
bobby is the f-ing best
(i love how he rolls).