it’s time for amymaniacs.

Okiloveyoubuhbye.  Animaniacs, TV
Dott is Cute. Saturday Morning, TV

I laughed.
I cried.
I moved.
And let me tell you, the exhaustion endured by a wide-eyed twenty something who comes from a long line of stubborn women who refuse to make two trips or ask anyone for help unless death is on the line has been epic, to say the least. I promise to throw dozens of photos and fun stuff your way once the place is really ready for its close-up.
For now, there’s baloney in my slacks.

this ain’t got shit to do wit shampoo.

yo mtv raps
Yo MTV Raps. Music, TV

Frankly, there’s nothing more satisfying than a work computer virus scan before 9am.  You know, because now I can update my blog and dick around on the internet . . . FASTER!  Also, in case you’re just tuning in, tomorrow is the Big Move and officially marks the end of the Most Dangerous Apartment Search.  And despite the stress and anxiety and overwhelming feeling that there’s going to be even more hurdles to clear, I do believe some hip hop hurray’s are definitely in order:
To a purging of all the shit I don’t need anymore!
To a plethora of everything must go deals on craigslist!
To a bedroom aesthetic that doesn’t resemble a funhouse!
To a 7 foot reach-in closet, big windows, and a fire escape all to myself!
To a clean, comfortable, and creative East Village apartment to call home!
Hip hop hurray, indeed.

where in the world is carmen sandiego?

in it to win it
She’s Probably Moving. New York, NY

Wow.  Wow.  Wow.  So many things have happened in the past few days!  I guess if I had to put together a what in the world has Amy been up to Top 5 List, it would probably look like this:

5.  hung out with my sister who flew in from London
4.  found a [fantastic, fun, clean, considerate, honest, gainfully employed] roommate
3.  updated my address . . . a lot
2.  tried Locanda Verde’s outrageously awesome breakfast
1.  picked up the keys to my new apartment

Though there’s still absurd amount of things I need to pack / figure out / do between now and the big move, I feel pretty great that I’ve gotten a few of the major ones out of the way.  Also, [shameless plug] if you live in New York and want to buy a GIANT couch, credenza, set of floor lamps, or a TV, just let me know before October 1st.  Okay, now I really must get back to work ie obsessing over my upcoming move while attempting to read the entire internet . . .


totally wow’d in the windy city.

chicago 005chicago 009chicago 014chicago 022chicago 028chicago 031chicago 038chicago 039chicago 041

Lollapalooza. Chicago, IL

Back in college, my friend Ezra and his Tufts-based rockband released a CD that could be purchased (with money! through iTunes!) and played at various on-campus coffee shops.  I was completely floored and thought that this was one of the most unbelievable / awesome / I knew him when moments of my life.  Last Friday, however, I flew to Chicago to visit some really great friends and to see Ezra Furman and the Harpoons perform at Lollapalooza and then later at the House of Blues.  Yeah . . . not to make my college self feel like a lesser than peon or anything, but I think now is a more appropriate time to say I knew him when.

I  .  KNEW  .  HIM  .  WHEN

Oh!  After Ezra’s 11:45am performance on Lollapalooza’s Playstation Stage, I crossed over to the Budweiser Stage and got to catch a FANTASTIC performance by Delta Spirit.  Their music was a superb hybrid of Americana rock and northern soul and I didn’t stop dancing once.  Needless to say, I zeroed in on Delta Spirit’s charming and charismatic lead singer Matt Vasquez and wondered if it was possible to get him and his lovely blue-toned flannel button-up to run away with me.  This loosely-based / from a distance / not so serious / you’re famous and I’m not tween crush got a heavy dose of up close and personal when Matt came to see the Harpoons at the House of Blues on Saturday night.  I somehow avoided my usual celebrity sighting stutters, mumbles, and all-around un-awesomeness and instead miraculously maintained a socially acceptable level of subject verb agreement.


All in all, it was a mind-blowingly wonderful weekend and I feel so lucky to know people who can not only articulate their priorities and passions, but then go out and pursue them.  Okay, Amy.  Stop blubbering!  It’s time to get organized and serious[ly obsessed] with the impossible apartment search to end all impossible apartment searches.  Stay tuned . . .

today’s nyc life tests = math + moving.

cut offs

On my walk to work this morning I forgot how old I was.
Am I 21?  Nope. 22?  Hmm. I think that was last year. . .
OMG blanks. I’m drawing blanks! How old am I?!
I had to do the math to stop freaking out.
Way to start the day off scary, Marsh.

Oh!  Speaking of scary, I’ve also begun the horrendously terrifying yet ever-so-popular NYC life test of trying to find an apartment . . . in Brooklyn!  I’ve wanted to make this move for a while now and it’s seriously exciting albeit daunting/nerve-racking that by October 1st (fingers crossed) I will be all packed, moved, and on my way to living in a borough that feels more like my favorite pair of sample sale cut-offs rather than that seriously X-rated spandex leotard I still can’t convince myself to wear out in public.

Read:  too much sexy makes this baby go blind.