friend: i’m having some feelings about this. full disclosure my friend wrote it. i think it’s smart and sassy, but i’m still having trouble assigning a value judgment on basic.
me: pls hold while i read this.
friend: kk.
me: i already have my defenses up.
friend: i’m just not sure how i feel about the idea that i might have basic tendencies.
me: according to this article, i am the carrie b of basic b’s. a lil bit of all these except maybe the ues one which i’m pretty sure means i am none of them which also means the idea of having basic tendencies is bunk to me. i have routines and interests, but i don’t have tendencies. just because i like soulcycle and hot yoga doesn’t mean i can’t quote mcluhan and read code.
friend: truth. i can quote mcclanahan, if not mcluhan.
Tag: soulcycle
finding five.
5 ing’s from last week that felt fantastic:
1. sending an “i’m not into you romantically” email instead of going passive aggressively radio silent until – hopefully – the other person forgot i existed and / or stopped trying.
2. posting a #nofilter photo on instagram and discovering an artist i really admire “liked” it.
3. taking my favorite heels to alex so i could keep naomi campbell walking allova town.
4. being asked repeatedly what sports i played in high school (answer: uhhhhh drama club?)
5. graduating from the 3lb to 5lb hand weights at my local synagogue.
7am and sunny.
soulcycle just opened a studio in noho.
girls returns (fiiiiiinally) at 9pm on sunday.
nothing left to do except maybe smile like terry.
ps – bless that branding strip. originals nsfw. ehyo.
oh oh oh.
stranger: doing anything for christmas?
stranger: doing anything for the holidays?
stranger: going home for christmas?
stranger: going home for the holidays?
stranger: doing anything different?
stranger: doing anything special?
stranger: oh, really?
stranger: oh, seriously?
stranger: oh.
dear everyone,
e v e r y w h e r e .
– i’m going to soulcycle
– i’m taking a very long shower
– i’m seeing les miz with chloe
– i’m having breakfast for diner
– i’m drinking a glass of wine
– i’m buying more cold medicine
– i’m repeating repeating the song below
– i’m going to bed, happy and alone