practical magic.

. was mauritius?
jenny:..i read about seven books.
me:..are you allowed to read on your honeymoon?
jenny:..on the beach during the day this is permitted.

my sister, esquire.



“i’m with some friends
riding the no. 1 down from van cortlandt park
when this guy sits across
with this cute mutt in his lap.
so of course the group starts cooing
and making goo-goo eyes,
pumping the guy for details.
‘it’s a jack russell-chihuahua.’
‘his name is peanut.’
making best friends for life, etc.
this goes on till 42nd street,
when the train stops.
the doors open and the guy jumps up,
goes to the doors and straight-arms the dog
through to someone on the platform.
there’s a pause
(we all look at each other).
then a voice barks out: ‘LEASH?’
the guy fumbles,
pulls one out of his pocket
and hands it over
just before the doors close.
so now we’re looking at the guy.
and he explains that
the person on the platform is his ex,
who has custody for the week.
the handoff was part of the separation agreement.
we nod sympathetically.”

ny times 10.01.12



a few weeks ago,
i needed to get out of town.
like, really needed to get out of town.
so i hopped a flight to london,
attended my sister’s wedding shower,
and did a lap around the canal.
the end.

forty second & eighth.


this used to be
my playground.
i dedicate this
to jake + dan.

hint – it has to do with living on top of a thai restaurant for 4 years and – uhhh obvs – it’s a lists of puns.

boombox, bagel, button.


list of objects i’d add to the nytimes
history of ny in 50 objects list:
dollar pizza
haddad’s truck
spray paint
government trash can
taxi television
bodega umbrella
rent check, market value apt
old lady roller basket
dog poop

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amy’s list.


1...this dog and dude are totally on the same “why is she wearing overalls and taking my picture” page.
2...freelandbuck had this to say about their slipstream installation at bridge gallery – “it’s integrity as a structure is masked by both its redundancy and bright coloration.” oooooof. ouch. slash, sometimes i worry my integrity is masked by redundancy and bright coloration. ooooooy. i might need a new drug.
3...omg! lauren was here! for a weekend! we went to red hook! it was summer! red hook summer!
4...contrary to popular belief, i am not interested in owning a dog as i’m certain i would be very bad at the important stuff (walking, feeding, training, etc). i am, however, very interested in making more friends who do not mind when i audibly appreciate almost every dog we happen to bump into. coolthxbye.
5...and this is a picture of molly explaining the promo poster for frasier’s new tv show to me / the end.

: (


my imac died on sunday.
i woke up sick on monday.

go forth.


go friday.

ps – i’m in love with the song in this video, but even my summa cum laude bachelor’s degree in world wide googling can’t seem to identify it. so so so my lovelies, if you happen to know it, pleeeeeeease speak now or forever hold some peas.

gchat diaries.


monica:  winds are a-changin’
me:  i feel like this is what mary poppins does whenever she leaves a nannying job. she moves to taiwan and teaches english to 1st graders.

ed. monica moved to taiwan and teaches english to 1st graders.

jk lol.


the true new yorker
secretly believes
that people living
anywhere else
have to be,
in some sense,

john updike

ps – 1979 who tickets still good in providence. woo!

amy’s list.


1...soooooooo before i talk about why this carpe diem wall poser somewhere in the dregs of soho is my new favorite super righteous dude, i should explain that i just started working here as a production coordinator (what does that mean? idk i’ll look it up). aaaaanyway, their ny office is on a sweetass downtown block and the people watching has been killer (i.e. upping my soho / sobro quota, holla).
2...i finally checked long beach off my list and the waves were superbig and rough, just like i like ’em.
3...something i really adore about my new job is strolling from the east village → bowery → noho → nolita → little italy → work each morning. a delightful way to wake up no matter how you look at it. man is an island unless that man has decided to park himself in a fancy beach chair on top of an aggressive amount of sand with a lot of unchecked authority. then i guess, yea, he’s a bit of an island. case you didn’t notice, i try to make every day a meet cool dog while grabbing a cup of coffee day.

comma chameleon.


“ . . . i’d never seen
new york
like this before.
never seen
these colours,
the city flushed,

b l u s h i n g .

this is how i imagine
the insides of a living person,
chest cracked open so you can see
everything jammed in,
working on top of each other
and next to each other,

t o g e t h e r .”
victoria hannan
