vol 66.

oh, hello there.

we don’t usually meet up on the weekends and, well, i gotta say … it’s nice for a change. i hope you get this mid-laugh, sipping on something nice in your sat / sun clothes. if you’re down like that, thinking these will pair with ya just fine:

1.  i’d just like to point out that alpacapalooza 2017 spans over an entire wknd. ok aaww.
2.  jeeze la. ur sun’s up bun’s up 10 day isn’t enough? u gotta be pretty on top too? dayenu.
3.  ok guyz. this winter’s been baaad and it won’t stop raining, but srsly. this could be us.
4.  seth taught me chess & now this app is my new bf (the irony!). h/t alex 4 the hot download.
5.  moon hooch is here fri 4.7. they used to hit up my subway stop all the time! get it, boys.
6.  oh shit and banks is here sun 4.16? in like a lion, out like a lamb pdx. keep making it rain.
7.  my feels watching this = my feels when apple messes w/ messages. stahp pls. i-notready.
8.  random s/o to kimmy whose communication skills are on par with fbi hostage negotiators.
9.  chills at 1:30. and just like that … i’m back in whitfield’s class and loving every damn min.
10.  can we go to tuluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum tomorrow? pls say yes yes yes yes yes yes pls.
11.  oh huh tomorrow’s no good? what if we went somewhere closer? philly work better 4 u?
12.  a super authentic greek feast at side yard farms sun 4.16 you say? don’t mind if i dooooo.
13.  may everything lovely & wonderful in life be as simple as a baked brie recipe on tumblr.
14.  it’s been a wind tunnel of a friggin’ week so here’s a 2 for 1 spesh: burgers and bargains.
15.  “if people were rain, i was drizzle and she was a hurricane.” – john green

baked brie & hotel pls.