anthony bourdain is totally my [lino]type.

As if Anthony Bourdain could get any hotter, he has to go and print this on the very last page of Kitchen Confidential:.


The text of this book is set in Linotype Sabon, named after the type founder, Jacques Sabon.  It was designed by Jan Tschichold and jointly developed by Linotype, Monotype and Stempel, in response to a need for a typeface to be available in identical form for mechanical hot metal composition and hand composition using foundry type.

Tschichold based his design for Sabon roman on a fount engraved by Garamond, and Sabon italic on a fount by Granjon.  It was first used in 1966 and has proven an enduring modern classic.

Holy shit, Bourdain.
Sex, drugs, alcohol, food, and fonts?
Do me.  Okay, thanks.