circle one.


My last new year’s resolution was to use the above response more frequently and, unfortunately, I only made good on it towards the [not so] bitter end.  Lucky for me and few choice strangers, this year I’m going to make up fantastic lies about what I do for a living.  So far, I’ve played with flight attendant for an adult-only airline and after-school magic program coordinator for inner-city teens.  So far, soooo good.

impossible, internet.

Colorful Pencils. Deviant Art , The Internet

I was born at 3:02 pm on Tuesday May 6, 1986 which makes me a Taurus and a Libra Rising.  According to the internet, this means I am naturally introverted and less communicative.
. . .  WHAT?!

don’t you lie to me.

trader joe's
March 2006 Grand Opening. Trader Joe’s, Union Square.

Could this really be true?

I will be seriously disappointed if this is just another bullshit Guess what? Trader Joe’s is opening up a second location in New York City! rumor.  But in case this just so happens to be legit, would you mind picking me up some Strawberry Yogurt O’s, Vanilla Soy Milk, and Wild Boreal Blueberries on your way home?
