vol 86.

hi frehnds!

confession: i’m super dang excited for this weekend. it’s my birthday on sun and all i wanna do is wake up and remember (1) it’s my birthday (2) it’s my birthday aaaaaalllllll day (3) i get to tell everyone it’s my birthday. some years i reeeeeeally don’t care, but this year i’m feeling it so there you have it. hope this one puts a little pep in your step. love u’s:

1.  v. excited for busy’s talk show (as if i needed another reason to buy an f-ing apple tv 4k).
2.  wait wait wait there’s an annual irvington home tour in may for $25?? yas queen yaaaaaas.
3.  “we have found that movie nights are good for the cats.” lol whatever you say purrington’s.
4.  thankful this season for canard, ranch pizza, arden, & just, like, real organic fuds ya know.
5.  tea fest pdx sat 7.21 b/c what else r u gonna do before watching mommy dearest w/ cats?
6.  wait you don’t want me to order bible club’s $70 secret menu marg? gimme 1 reason, seth.
7.  “fiona has always loved the hose!!” honestly can’t get enough of the cincy zoo in my feed.
8.  also, if ur fav fab 5-er is jonathan then get ur ass over to his insta and settle in. ur welcome.
9.  finished riri’s 10min makeup tutorial & now i’m all summer sunset love drama BITCHES.
10.  dear seth, can we paint the study mint green or put up a society6 wall mural? circle y/n.
11.  i bingo’d on this so fast it made my head spin. spreadsheets spreadsheets spreadsheets!
12.  “so long as you write what you wish to write, that is all that matters; and whether it matters for ages or only for hours, nobody can say.” – virginia wolf

summer sunset love drama spreadsheets.