a. ..This pilot’s good looks lasted only minutes before his corpse was hanging from a tree.
b. ..He’s outwitted and beat up by Kate a lot, which makes him the worst US Marshals ever.
c. ..An attractive Other? It’s kind of like being the best house on a really ugly block.
d. ..He looks like he stepped off the set of a Burt Reynolds movie.
e. ..This death-obsessed misfit makes snarky wisecracks under his breath.
f. ...Diet Sayid: same great intrigue, half the sexiness.
g. ..He’s been good looking for more than a century. His secret? Guyliner.
h. ..Not just anyone can pull off the skinny-tie look on a tropical island.
i. ...He’s a cynical wise-ass, die-hard romantic, and himbo man-candy.
1st person to pair these ill-fated fellas to their Nerve bios will win something awesome.