doctor demento.

Dr. Demento. Los Angeles, CA

On Wednesday nights at 6:45pm, I leave my small but totally worth it East Village apartment and spend roughly 1 hour on the streets/bus/subway so I can arrive at 168th & Broadway in time to teach improv comedy to Columbia Medical Students from 8pm to 9:30pm.  I usually don’t get back to my apartment until 10:45pm (mostly because I get off the bus at 14th & 3rd Ave and ceremoniously reward myself with a slice of awesome from Milk Bar) only to wake up the next morning at 5:45am so I can be out of my apartment by 6:20am to attend what is, without question, NYC’s finest spin class (Union Square Crunch w/ Ashley Swartz @ 7:00am = holiness next to godliness next to sweatiness).
Anyway, while the hike to Columbia Med can sometimes make my entire body explode with NY Transit overload, I keep going because it’s unbelievably rewarding and pretty much the only way I can convince my friend Chase to stop studying and hang out with me.  Also, there are some fantastic moments of unexpected improv GOLD like the one that happened last night around 9:15pm:
Me: ..This is a 1 min scene. Your inspiration is pumpkin pie and one of you must die.

Peter 1: ..Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Peter 2: ..What? What’s wrong?
Peter 1: ..I don’t know, but I made you this pie . . . WITH DYNAMITE!

Me: ..and scene.