@myliquidhandsoap: start packing, kid.

Mason Jar Soap Dispenser. Midwest Finds
I’m going fucking nuts on how incredibly gorgeous my new liquid hand soap smells.  One sniff and it’s 9am on a sunny skies saturday/sunday with nothing on the old to-do but a bike, a book, and a basket of muffins.  Seriously.  My best friend Joanna was visiting last week from Philly and I think I shoved my freshly washed hands in her face for smell ’em times far more than even a best friend should allow.  But, being the super materialistic and hypercritical Taurus that I am, the complete unawesomeness and total snoozetasticity of the plastic pump jar in which Dial packages this blessed bath product has been giving me a bad case of the frowns. So that’s why I scoured the internet this morning and ended up buying a Mason Jar Soap Dispenser.