amy’s list.


1...i’m pretty sure this end is nigh sidewalk dog in greenpoint was my inspiration for hauling ass to philly after realizing i hadn’t left the city since my spur of the moment costa rican getaway back in february.
2...per her request, i sent joanna a list of 15 things i wanted to do while in philly (huge thank you to the nytimes for this and this) and she made good on almost everything including, “lay out and / or swim.”
3...don’t cry over a giant bag of spilled m&m’s especially when they’re the weird pastel kind and it’s 94°.
4...until jo’s dad corrected me, i thought this was a burmese mountain dog. as it turns out, this is a bernese mountain dog (i.e. originating from bern, switzerland not burma, southeast asia). awhooops. na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na bat-van.