amy’s list.

. best friend’s family was in town and they very kindly let me cruise direct some adventures (i.e. dan asked for 1 or 2 suggestions and i drafted a super awesome itinerary instead). around 3pmish, i tried to take everyone here, but since it wasn’t set to open until 5pm, i quickly swerved everyone to reynards. a few wood-roasted olives and manhattan king viewings later, all wait time had been forgotten.
2...fine people of the internet, i would like you to meet joe dobies. in addition to being 1/2 the reason my best friend exists, he is also the world’s greatest what-to-order-er. i’ll have whatever he’s having, forever.
3...beware the ides of march, but befriend the ides of williamsburg. it’s fun, it works – – – > i like it.
4...holy moly, did anyone mention it is hot as fucking hades in this city right now? no? well, it is.
5...this nude reminds me = one time in college when joanna was on her laptop not really paying attention to her surroundings (i.e. me), i took off my brandeis sweatpants and demanded, “draw me.”