amy’s list.


1...the park bench outside the bowery hotel is quickly becoming my downtown summer home away from home. just a superbite from the peels take-out counter, a purse-friendly paperback, and a semi-serious staring problem and i’m all set for my post-work party of one.
2...there is a giant pig living across the street from angelica kitchen and i like them both (a lot).
3...lauren and i can’t wait much longer for the big gay ice cream shop to open. everyday, i see more and more people tinkering and typing away in there, but their sign still reads, “closed.” seriously guys, what could possibly be taking so long? i’m sorry, i just need me a bea arthur before summer ends.
4...on friday, i fled the office a little early on account of too many impending hurricanes and too few impending bosses and decided to trade a wrap-around line for beans and bottled water for a fantastic workout with kimani at pier i on riverside park south. as the sun stretched and set over the hudson, it was a little hard to believe something fierce was about to take over my weekend. everyone else in zone b and c, i spent all of my saturday indoors, eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, refreshing, and wondering what my sunday was going to look like. looked just fine.