why so serious?

2015 was tectonic.

i said yes to some big questions hoping it would cause the plates of my life to unhinge a little from the continental crust holding them in place and help me out of my late 20 something rut with a heavy dose of the unknown. but then … well … shit. my plates didn’t just unhinge, they went fucking seismic and slid out from under each other and floated 2442 miles away. i mean, good lord. no wonder i was so tightly wound and scared and sad. but, if there is one nice thing about natural disasters, it’s that they don’t last forever. they can’t. at some point, you form a plan and you go along with said plan because the alternative is sitting still and staying sad and that seems … i don’t know … shitty? and then, before too long, the plan isn’t even a plan, it’s the norm and the norm is fine and then eventually the norm is pretty good and sometimes it’s even great. i guess what i’m trying to say is that my 2015 was really serious and that’s totally okay but also why i’ve decided in 2016 there will be laughing. lots of laughing.

2016: why so serious?

triple dose.

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it is perhaps when our lives are at their most problematic that we are likely to be most receptive to beautiful things.

alain de botton, the architecture of happiness

i’ve been struggling with a triple dose of severely limited attention span + blogger’s block + work life imbalance since mid december, but i wanted to tell you that i miss you so much it aches, i think about blogging (and the act of not blogging) everyday, and i finally figured out this year’s three word thesis:

go through it.